Tag Archive | tester item

Review: iGino One

A white and pink box-shaped sex toy against a black background.I was sent this toy by the lovely iGino team in exchange for my honest review. It was nice to be asked by a new manufacturer for my opinion, so I gladly took on the assignment.

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ 2/5

“I had heard a lot about the iGino One via Twitter before I was contacted by them, due to other bloggers promoting and sharing their Indiegogo campaign. At the time, I was relatively new and uninterested in looking at toys that weren’t around yet. Since then, I’ve become a lot more knowledgeable about sex toys and, as you would expect, my desire to see newer toys has increased. My initial thought towards the iGino was that it looked silly — has that changed since receiving it? Is it, as they claim, what women want? You’ll have to read on to find out.

“The iGino One comes in a small rectangular box. This box is very nice to look at and matches the look of the toy itself in its white and pink colour scheme.”

Review: Sex & Mischief Red & Black Stripe Flogger

A woman in lace lingerie with a flogger in her mouth.A tester item received from the awesome folks at ÜberKinky. I was sent this item in exchange for my honest review.

Rating: ★★★★☆ 4/5

“Another late review finally under my belt! I was sent this flogger ages ago by ÜberKinky, who have been extremely patient with me while I’ve gotten things sorted out. We opted for this flogger because we have broken every single one we’ve owned and wanted another to play with. When it first arrived, I was a bit worried it wouldn’t be able to last in our care…

“The packaging for this flogger was incredibly disappointing. It didn’t have much at all…”

Review: Rocks Off Ass Berry Black

An anal plug shaped like a berry with a thin vibrator sticking out of the bottom.A review for the Ass Berry Black, kindly sponsored by the Rocks Off manufacturers themselves. This toy was sent to me in exchange for my honest review.

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ 2/5

“I am a little ashamed to admit that I was sent this toy all the way back in November. After initially getting excited and messing around with it I forgot about it until recently when Daddy Ordered me to doubly penetrate myself one weekend. While I have had anal sex with him before, we’ve never owned a butt plug so it was a new experience for me and I had very high hopes because of the interesting design.

“The Ass Berry Black comes in a cool black box with a see-through panel.”

Review: Lovehoney Fresh Toy Cleaner 120ml

A spray bottle with a clear lid and green/white label with a heart on it.This review is for the Fresh Toy Cleaner from Lovehoney. I got it for free in exchange for this review. This post contains affiliate links. I am sad to say that there aren’t many pictures in this post though; I couldn’t think of many things you’d want to see from such a simply-designed bottle.

Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5

“Around Christmas, I was contacted by the lovely folks over at Lovehoney who wondered if I was interested in reviewing their new lube and cleaning spray range. As I’m still searching for my own perfect lube I gladly accepted and they sent it to me in the New Year. It came wrapped in a silky Lovehoney drawstring bag with two other lubes within a Lovehoney box, which was beautiful. I was quite excited to receive the package but have had a lot going on since which has delayed this review.

“The Lovehoney Fresh Toy Cleaner has the same design as the rest of the Lovehoney lube brand.”

Review: We-Vibe Touch

A strange-shaped purple vibrator.This toy was sent to me for free by Strawberry Blushes in exchange for my honest review. Thank you!

Rating: ★★★★☆ 4/5

“I was sent this toy by the amazing team over at Strawberry Blushes after they were asking for reviewers over Twitter. After giving them a few options of what I’d like, they decided to choose one and send it without telling me what it was. When I opened it, I was genuinely surprised and happy since I’ve never had a We-Vibe product or designer vibrator before.

Part of the reason I’ve never had one is because designer vibes can be very expensive. Generally speaking they can cost upwards of £50 which can seem like a lot if you don’t have much money. When there are a lot of other cheaper toys just hanging around, it is difficult to see why you ought to settle for one expensive one.

So, let me try to convince you whether the We-Vibe Touch is worth your money!

“My package arrived very quickly and discreetly from Strawberry Blushes in a large brown box. There were no details on the front that would give away what was inside, which was fantastic.”

Review: Ladies Rolled Steel Collar with Ring

A shiny metal collar lying atop a pink drawstring bag.This review was sponsored by the lovely people over at Sexshop365, who sent me this collar to test.

Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5

“I had wanted a collar like this for a very long time when Sexshop365 asked me if I would like to review for them. Generally speaking, I don’t like to request expensive items from companies I haven’t worked with before but I gave them a link to my wishlist and joked that I’d like this collar. I told them I would be happy with anything from the list at all and asked them to surprise me with their choice. The next thing I knew I was told I was getting this and I was, quite frankly, over the moon. I’ve always wanted a locking collar that I could wear 24/7.

To find out if this collar fits that criteria, please read on!

“The package arrived from Sexshop365 very quickly and the contents were wrapped carefully. It was extremely discreet; there were no markings or words on it that gave away that it was from an adult retailer at all.”

Review: Sex & Mischief Black Elastabind Kit

A rectangular box with a picture of a woman in bondage on it.A review for a bondage kit by Sportsheets, sent to me by the lovely sextoys.co.uk

Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3/5

“I was sent the Sex & Mischief Black Elastabind Kit back in November for the round of testing over at sextoys.co.uk. When I was told I was going to receive this item I was pleased because I hadn’t reviewed many BDSM toys yet and wanted to see what the Sex & Mischief range was like. They sent the kit straight away but due to some personal issues (and the lack of a working camera) we didn’t get around to testing it for a while. Now that those issues are resolved, I am pleased to bring you my review!

“This kit is incredibly simple to use.”

Review: An Executive Decision

A red twisting pattern on a black background.Another one of the novels sent to me for review by Xcite Books, this time the first of a trilogy.

Warning: SPOILERS ahead!

Rating: ★★★★☆ 4/5

An Executive Decision is book one of the Executive Decisions trilogy by Grace Marshall, otherwise known as KD Grace. I’d never read anything of hers before but I had heard good things, so when I was sent this book to review I was happy to begin. It was interesting for me to read a book like this, since I generally opt to read books that feature LGBTQ or BDSM themes instead.

“I found it very difficult to put this novel down. Every time I got to the end of a chapter I would quickly flick to see how long the next was and convince myself to read ‘just one more’.”

Review: Awakening

A blue cover with a woman's hands bound behind her back by a tie.Another one of the novels sent to me for review by Xcite Books, this time concerning BDSM as the main theme.

Warning: SPOILERS ahead!

Rating: ★★★★☆ 4/5

“When this novel first arrived in the post, I was sceptical. The synopsis on the back was sort of interesting and I was intrigued by the fact that it was a winner of a Festival of Romance award but the blatant allusions to Fifty Shades of Grey were quite off-putting. I understand that it is easier to make things sell if you imply they’re like another hot property but there have been far too many books marketed like this in the past year. I’m bored of this type of marketing; it seems lazy and uncreative, especially when the book you’re talking about isn’t much like Fifty Shades at all.

“The cover of this novel is mainly done in blues, purples and whites. The photograph used is of a woman’s hands bound behind her back by a business tie, which I didn’t like very much.”

Review: Tops and Bottoms Discipline Delights story 8

A brunette wearing a shiny corset holding a paddle.This review is for a story from a BDSM anthology sent to me by the amazing people at Xcite Books.

Warning: SPOILERS ahead!

Story 8: Smile for the Camera by Kathleen Tudor (pages 76-81)

Rating: ★★★★☆ 4/5

“When I first read the title for this story, I expected it to be about a kinky photoshoot. I also expected it to be maledom/femsub with a heavy dose of compliments, teasing and eventual sex. It wasn’t. I’m not entirely sure why this was my first assumption considering the cover has a Domme with a paddle, but that’s what I immediately thought. Initially this was a disappointment since I find that kind of scenario extremely arousing but I decided to read the story anyway.

As you’ve probably guessed from the title of my blog and my life choices in the BDSM circle, femdom/malesub isn’t really my thing. It simply doesn’t work for me. So when I saw that this story had that setup I had my doubts as to whether it was going to be right for me or not. I approached this story with brief caution until I noticed that the relationship depicted was long distance – and had orders to boot! Since this is how my own BDSM relationship is I suddenly became quite interested.

“So, instead of a camera the story revolves around the use of a webcam.”